Trivia: What is the main purpose of Ohanami?


Every Spring, Japanese people gather in parks to have picnics during cherry blossom season. We call this “ohanami”. What is the main purpose of these gatherings?

a) To enhance communication with coworkers, friends, and significant others

b) To fully enjoy the cherry blossoms at their peak by spending time outdoors

c) To finally enjoy nature and the warmer weather after months of being stuck indoors


The answer is a) to enhance communication with coworkers, friends, and significant others. The culture of communicating through drinking alcohol is very big in Japan. For them, Ohanami is not for enjoying cherry blossoms or nature, it is more about drinking and building relationships with others.

In companies, young employees are responsible for finding a good spot for Ohanami company gathering. It is not uncommon for these young employees to camp out the night before in order to snag the best spot. This passion shows just how big of an event this is in Japan!

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